

Warhol, Andy,原名Andrew Warhola。



Warhol, Andy

U.S. artist, filmmaker, and leading exponent of the Pop art movement. He was born to Czech immigrant parents in Pittsburgh, where he studied pictorial design at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. He then worked in New York as a commercial illustrator. An adroit self-publicist, he conceived the idea of the artist as celebrity. In 1962 he achieved notoriety when he exhibited paintings of Campbell's Soup cans, Coca-Cola bottles, and wooden replicas of Brillo soap-pad boxes. In later work he used the photographic silkscreen technique to print numerous variations of garishly colored celebrity portraits. In the 1960s he devoted more of his energy to making underground films known for their plotlessness, inventive eroticism, and inordinate length. Throughout the 1970s and until his death, he continued to produce prints depicting celebrities and was involved in a range of advertising and other commercial projects. His death resulted from a botched operation. He was one of the most famous and important American cultural figures of the later 20th century, and the effects of his work on conceptions of art continue to be felt.