

Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal

现代土耳其共和国的创建者。出生於当时鄂图曼帝国统治的希腊城市。其父把他送到军事学校受训,毕业时成绩优异。後来对政治渐生不满,加入了一个土耳其民族主义组织--统一与进步委员会。第一次世界大战期间,他为政府作战,在加利波利(Gallipoli)打败协约国军队。最後,协约国胜利,英国、法国和义大利军队进驻安纳托利亚;凯末尔被指派去维持秩序,他趁机煽动人民反抗这些入侵者。拜鄂图曼帝国失败之赐而获有土地的希腊和亚美尼亚是反对土耳其民族主义的,但凯末尔击败所有的反对势力,於1932年建立土耳其共和国。1934年被尊为「阿塔图尔克」(Atatürk,意即土耳其之父)。凯末尔实施西化政策、不再强调宗教、解放妇女、强制使用姓氏、抛弃伊斯兰教的法律制度、以拉丁字母代替阿拉伯字母。亦请参阅Enver Pasa、Young Turks。


Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal

Founder of modern Turkey. Born in Ottoman-controlled Greece and dedicated by his father to military service, he graduated near the top of his class in military school. As a young officer, he was critical of the government and became involved with the Turkish nationalist Committee of Union and Progress. He nevertheless fought for the government during World War I, defeating the Allies at Gallipoli. The eventual Allied victory brought British, French, and Italian troops to Anatolia; appointed to restore order there, he used the opportunity to incite the people against the Allied invaders. Greece and Armenia, territorial beneficiaries of the Ottoman empire's defeat, opposed the Turkish nationalists, but he overcame all opposition, and the Turkish republic was established in 1932. Mustafa Kemal was given the name Atatürk (“father of the Turks”) in 1934. He pursued a policy of Westernization, deemphasizing religion, mandating Western fashions, emancipating women, imposing surnames, overhauling the legal system, and replacing the Arabic alphabet with the Roman. See also Enver Pasa, Young Turks.
