

指一对配偶没有怀孕生殖的能力,指未采取避孕措施条件下一年的规律性交而未怀孕的情况。生育(参阅reproductive system, human)的任何一个阶段中有缺陷都会导致不育。每八对夫妻就有一对不育。多数与女性有关,约30~40%是由於男方的关系,10%则原因不明。造成女性不育症的原因包括了排卵或激素的问题、输卵管的疾病和化学平衡对精子不适宜;男性方面,则包括了性无能、精子数低和精子缺陷。若精子在男性或女性体内运行的道路受阻,则在大多数情况下可以手术解决。生育药可刺激排卵(常造成一次排出数卵而引起多胞胎生产)。若男性精子数不足,就要减少性交次数并把性交时间安排在女性最富生育力的时期(即女性排卵期)。配偶还可以经由人工授精、人工受精、义母代孕法或领养等方法得到孩子。


Inability of a couple to conceive and reproduce, defined as failure to conceive after one year of regular intercourse without contraception. Inability to conceive when desired can result from a defect at any of the stages required for fertility (see reproductive system). About one in every eight couples is infertile. Most cases involve the female partner, 30-40% involve the male, and 10% are caused by unknown factors. In women, causes include ovulation or hormone problems, fallopian-tube disorders, and a chemical balance that is hostile to sperm; in men, causes include impotence, low sperm count, and sperm abnormalities. Either partner can have a blockage of the pathways the sperm must travel, often treatable by surgery. Emotional factors may contribute; return of normal fertility may require only counseling. Fertility drugs can stimulate the release of eggs (often more than one, leading to multiple births). Low sperm count may be overcome by limiting intercourse to the time of ovulation, the most fertile period. If these methods are unsuccessful, couples may try artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, or surrogate motherhood, or choose adoption instead.
