

正式名称为史瓦济兰王国(Kingdom of Swaziland)




Nation, southern Africa. Area: 6,704 sq mi (17,364 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 1,032,000. Capitals: Mbabane (administrative); Lobamba (legislative). About nine-tenths of the population is Swazi and about one-tenth Zulu, with a small number of other minorities. Languages: Swazi, English (both official). Religions: Christianity, animism. Currency: lilangeni. The landlocked country is composed of high, middle, and low velds, culminating in the Lubombo escarpment in the east. Fauna includes hippopotamus, antelope, zebra, and crocodile. Four major rivers, including the Komati, flow through the country and irrigate citrus and sugarcane estates. Mineral resources include asbestos and diamonds. It is a monarchy with two legislative houses; its head of state and government is the king, assisted by the prime minister. Stone tools and rock paintings indicate prehistoric habitation in the region, but it was not settled until the Bantu-speaking Swazi people migrated there in the 18th century and established the nucleus of the Swazi nation. The British gained control in the 19th century after the Swazi king sought their aid against the Zulus. Following the South African War, the British governor of Transvaal administered Swaziland; his powers were transferred to the British high commissioner in 1906. In 1949 the British rejected the Union of South Africa's request to control Swaziland. The country gained limited self-government in 1963 and achieved independence in 1968. In the 1970s new constitutions were framed based on the supreme authority of the king and traditional tribal government. During the 1990s forces demanding democracy arose, but the kingdom remained in place.