

Gauguin, (Eugène-Henri-)Paul

法国画家、雕刻和版画复制匠。出生於巴黎,童年在利马长大(母亲是秘鲁克里奥尔人)。约从1872年起他在巴黎是一个事业成功的股票经纪人。1870年代受到印象主义的鼓舞,开始作画。他在1874年结识毕沙罗,1880年代与印象主义画家们一起展览作品。1883年巴黎股市崩盘,他失去工作,成为专职的画家。由於对中产阶级的唯物主义感到幻灭,1886年迁往布列塔尼的阿望桥村专心作画,在当地成为一群画家(参阅Pont-Aven school)热衷模仿的对象。在巴黎和梵谷相会(1886),以及到马提尼克岛旅行(1887)後,改变了他的一生:与印象主义决裂,1891年迁居大溪地。他的作品公开抗拒唯物主义,最出名的是一幅巨大的油画《我们来自何处?我们是什麽?我们向何处去?》(1897),呈现出一种未被文明破坏的梦幻般诗意生活。他是一个具有影响力的创新者;野兽主义在用色方面受他的影响最大,毕卡索也受到他的鼓舞,高更的原始主义和质朴的作风使人们开始欣赏非洲艺术,并促进立体主义的发展。亦请参阅Postimpressionism。


Gauguin, (Eugène-Henri-)Paul

French painter, sculptor, and printmaker. Born in Paris, he spent his childhood in Lima (his mother was a Peruvian Creole). From c. 1872 he was a successful stockbroker in Paris. In the 1870s, inspired by Impressionism, he started painting. He met Camille Pissarro in 1874, and throughout the 1880s he exhibited with the Impressionists. In 1883 he lost his job and became a full-time painter. Disillusioned with bourgeois materialism, in 1886 he moved to Pont-Aven, Brittany, where he became the focus of a group of artists who emulated his style (see Pont-Aven school). A meeting with Vincent van Gogh (1886) and a trip to Martinique (1887) changed his life; he broke with Impressionism and in 1891 moved to Tahiti. His works became open protests against materialism, most notably his immense canvas Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? (1897), a dreamlike allegory of life unspoiled by civilization. He was an influential innovator; Fauvism owed much to his use of color, he inspired Pablo Picasso, and his primitivism and stylistic simplifications led to an appreciation of African art and the development of Cubism. See also Postimpressionism.