

通过观测和解释日、月、星辰的位置及其变化来预卜人世间事物的一种占卜(divination)。在古代,它和天文学是密不可分的。占星术起源於美索不达米亚(约西元前第三千纪),并散播至印度,但在希腊化时代的希腊文明里发展为西方形式的占星术。後来占星术以希腊传统的一部分打入伊斯兰文化,中世纪时期透过学习阿拉伯语而再度传回欧洲。根据希腊传统,天体根据黄道十二宫来划分,这些亮星轮流升起,对人类事物产生一种精神上的影响。占星术在古中国也占重要地位,在皇帝时期,每个新生儿要去算一下天宫图(horoscope)和一生当中会出现的大关卡。虽然哥白尼体系(Copernican system)粉碎了以地球为中心的世界观(占星术所需的),但一直到现代人们对占星术的兴趣仍然不减,大家都相信占星上的种种迹象会影响人的性格。


Divination that consists of interpreting the influence of stars and planets on earthly affairs and human destinies. In ancient times it was inseparable from astronomy. It originated in Mesopotamia (c. 3rd millennium BC) and spread to India, but it developed its Western form in Greek civilization during the Hellenistic period. Astrology entered Islamic culture as part of the Greek tradition and was returned to European culture through Arabic learning during the Middle Ages. According to the Greek tradition, the heavens are divided according to the 12 constellations of the zodiac, and the bright stars that rise at intervals cast a spiritual influence over human affairs. Astrology was also important in ancient China, and in imperial times it became standard practice to have a horoscope cast for each newborn child and at all decisive junctures of life. Though the Copernican system shattered the geocentric worldview that astrology requires, interest in astrology has continued into modern times and astrological signs are still widely believed to influence personality.