

在世界六大洲广泛使用的语言,属印欧语系日耳曼诸语言(Germanic languages)。是美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚爱尔兰纽西兰加勒比海太平洋等岛国的主要语言,也是印度、菲律宾和许多撒哈拉沙漠以南地区的非洲国家的官方语。以英语为母语的人数逾3.5亿人,居世界第二位。英语是学习人数最多的外国语,也是使用人数最多的第二语言,已成为20世纪科学和商业方面的国际语言。英语的句子通常以主词开头,接着是动词和受词(参阅syntax)。以拉丁字母(Latin alphabet)书写,和弗里西亚语(Frisian)、德语、荷兰语有很深的渊源。英语的历史始於西元5和6世纪,朱特人(Jute)、盎格鲁人及撒克逊人(Saxon)自德国和丹麦移入不列颠。1066年诺曼征服(Norman Conquest)将法语引进英语中,希腊字和拉丁字在15世纪亦加入其中,现代英语大约始於1500年。英语向其他语言引进大量词汇,并且增加许多可反映科技发展的词汇。

English language

Language belonging to the Germanic languages branch of the Indo-European language family, widely spoken on six continents. The primary language of the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and various Caribbean and Pacific island nations, it is also an official language of India, the Philippines, and many sub-Saharan African countries. It is the second most widely spoken native language in the world, the mother tongue of more than 350 million people, the most widely taught foreign language, and the international language of science and business. English relies mainly on word order (usually subject-verb-object) to indicate relationships between words (see syntax). Written in the Latin alphabet, it is most closely related to Frisian, German, and Dutch. Its history began with the migration of the Jutes, Angles, and Saxons from Germany and Denmark to Britain in the 5th-6th century. The Norman Conquest of 1066 brought many French words into English. Greek and Latin words began to enter it in the 15th century, and Modern English is usually dated from 1500. English easily borrows words from other languages and has coined many new words to reflect advances in technology.
