


雅典才气横溢却不够廉洁的政治人物暨指挥官。其父在作战时阵亡,他的监护人是伯里克利(Pericles),未能对他进行适当的教养。他非常钦佩哲学家苏格拉底(Socrates),而苏格拉底也为其俊秀的外表和机敏所吸引。两人曾在伯罗奔尼撒战争中并肩作战,互相救过对方,但他不像苏格拉底正直廉洁。西元前420年当上将军。西元前415年在远征西西里途中,被控亵渎赫耳墨斯(Hermae)神像,於是逃到了斯巴达。他向斯巴达人献策,打击雅典军队,但最後斯巴达人也开始反对他,於是他又向波斯总督摇尾乞怜。後来雅典舰队召唤他回来。西元前411~西元前408年他帮助雅典取得多次胜利。虽然赢得英雄地位,但他的政敌藉机煽惑群众将他罢免。亚西比德前去色雷斯隐居,曾预见雅典在伊哥斯波塔米战役(Battle of Aegospotami)的危险性。後来从色雷斯逃到弗里吉亚(Phrygia)去投靠当地的波斯总督。西元前404年由於斯巴达的煽动,波斯总督将他杀害。他的政治地位动摇是伯罗奔尼撒战争中雅典失败的最大决定性因素。他的恶名也牵连到苏格拉底,加强了政敌对苏格拉底的指控(西元前399年)。



Brilliant but unscrupulous Athenian politician and commander. Pericles was his guardian, his father having died in battle. Lacking personal attention in his upbringing, he became associated with Socrates, who was attracted to the youth's physical beauty and intellectual promise. They served together in the Peloponnesian War, saving each other's lives in battle, yet Alcibiades failed to acquire Socrates' personal integrity. By 420 he was a general. Recalled from a Sicilian expedition in 415 on charges of sacrilege for mutilating statues of Hermes, he fled to Sparta. Though he aided the Spartan cause against Athens, he was eventually rejected and sought haven with the Persian king. The Athenian fleet eventually recalled him, and he directed Athenian victories 411-408. Though he achieved hero status, his enemies again forced him to leave. From Thrace he warned Athens presciently of danger at the Battle of Aegospotami. He fled from Thrace to Phrygia, where the Spartans conspired to have him murdered. His political agitation was a decisive factor in Athens's defeat in the Peloponnesian War. His notorious behavior helped strengthen the charges brought against Socrates in 399.