

Debussy, (Achille-) Claude

法国作曲家。出身贫寒家庭,九岁就显示出钢琴方面的才能,1873年入巴黎音乐学院学习钢琴与作曲,不久即受聘为俄国女富豪梅克夫人(Nadezhda von Meck)的钢琴师。受文学和美术中印象主义和象徵主义影响而创造了一种十分独特的和声与音乐结构体系。他反对传统的配器规则,认为弦乐不必以抒情为主,木管也具有人声一样的丰富色彩。在他的音乐中,传统的管弦乐器结构如印象派画中的颜色一样被细分开来,每种乐器几乎成为一个庞大室内乐队里的独奏者。其作品综合了诗、乐、画等多种艺术的因素。德布西被公认是音乐的印象主义(Impressionism)派创建者。他在削弱紧抱着调性和谐的传统方面占有很大的意义,其地位等同於李斯特(F. Liszt)、华格纳(R. Wagner)和荀白克(A. Schoenberg)。受其影响的作曲家有拉威尔(M. Ravel)、史特拉汶斯基(I. Stravinsky)、巴尔托克(Bela Bartok)、贝尔格(A. Berg)、魏本(A. Webern)和布莱(P. Boulez),他被视为近三百年来最有影响力的法国作曲家。作品包括歌剧《佩利亚斯与梅丽桑德》(Pelléas et Mélisande, 1902);管弦乐作品《牧神的午後序曲》(Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun, 1894)、《夜曲》(Nocturnes, 1899)、《海》(La mer, 1905)、《意象》(Images, 1912)和芭蕾舞曲《嬉戏》(Jeux, 1913);一首管弦四重奏(1893);钢琴组曲《埃斯唐皮》(Estampes, 1903)、《意象》(Images, 1905、1907)、《儿童乐园》(Children's Corner, 1908)、二十四首《前奏曲》(Préludes, 1910、1913)、十二首《练习曲》(études, 1915),以及许多歌曲。


Debussy, (Achille-) Claude

French composer. Born into near poverty, he showed an early gift for the piano. He entered the Paris Conservatoire in 1873, and soon thereafter was employed as pianist by Nadezhda von Meck, P. Tchaikovsky's patroness. Influenced by the Symbolist poets and Impressionist painters, he was early led toward a compositional style of great originality, shunning the strictures of traditional counterpoint and harmony to achieve new effects of great subtlety through unusual voice leading and timbral colors to evoke pictorial images and moods especially of languor and hedonism. He is regarded as the founder of musical Impressionism. His significance in weakening the hold of traditional tonal harmony equals that of F. Liszt, Richard Wagner, and A. Schoenberg. Given his effect on such composers as M. Ravel, I. Stravinsky, Bela Bartok, A. Berg, A. Webern, and P. Boulez, he can be seen as the most influential French composer of the last three centuries. His works include the opera Pelléas et Mélisande (1902); the orchestral works Prelude to The Afternoon of a Faun (1894), Nocturnes (1899), La mer (1905), Images (1912), and the ballet Jeux (1913); a string quartet (1893); the piano sets Estampes (1903), Images (1905, 1907), Children's Corner (1908), 24 Préludes (1910, 1913), and 12 études (1915); and many songs.