

Kosovo conflict

发生於塞尔维亚与蒙特内哥罗科索沃的族群内战。1989年塞尔维亚总统米洛塞维奇(Slobodan Milosevic)取消科索沃的宪法自治权,并对占科索沃省境内九成人口的阿尔巴尼亚裔展开大规模镇压。科索沃人民另外组成影子政府,开始进行非武力对抗。1998年紧张情势升高,演变成警察与科索沃解放军(Kosovo Liberation Army; KLA)的武装冲突。调解团体(美、英、德、法、义、俄)提出统一政策,要求双方停战、塞尔维亚特种警察及军队无条件撤退、释放难民以及无限期接受国际监管。米洛塞维奇同意了大多数的要求,但是却未履行承诺。联合国安理会严厉谴责塞国不当使用武力,包括所谓的「种族净化」(屠杀及驱逐其他族群),并提出一分武器全面禁运案,但暴力镇压却仍有增无减。各国後来在法国朗布耶(Rambouillet)举行外交调停时,米洛塞维奇方面的军队和坦克却又出现攻击行动。谈判因此破裂,塞尔维尔再次出动军队进行新的杀戮,北大西洋公约组织军队也开始轰炸以防止人道悲剧。由於塞尔维亚残酷杀人的消息不断传出,科索沃的难民乃大量涌向邻国阿尔巴尼亚及马其顿。北约进行了十一周的轰炸,轰炸点并延伸到贝尔格勒,塞尔维亚的基础建设受到明显的破坏。在北约和南斯拉夫於1999年签署合约後,轰炸行动才停止,合约规定塞尔维亚撤军,并让一百万名阿尔巴尼亚裔难民以及五十万被迫迁移到其他省份者,都可以重返家园。


Kosovo conflict

Ethnic war in Kosovo, Yugoslavia. In 1989 the Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic abrogated Kosovo's constitutional autonomy and began systematic oppression of its ethnic Albanians, who constitute some 90% of its population. The Kosovars set up a shadow government and began a campaign of nonviolent resistance. Growing tensions led in 1998 to armed clashes, involving both the police and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The Contact Group (U.S., Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Russia) proposed a unified policy, demanding cessation of fighting, unconditional withdrawal of Serbian special police and army forces, return of refugees, and unlimited access for international monitors. Milo&shacek;ević agreed to meet most of the demands, but did not. The UN Security Council condemned excessive use of force by Serbian police forces, including so-called ethnic cleansing (killing and expulsion), and imposed a comprehensive arms embargo, but the violence increased. During diplomatic negotiations at Rambouillet, France, Milo&shacek;ević massed troops and tanks for a new offensive. When talks broke down, Serbia launched military forces in a renewed assault, and NATO forces began bombing to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. Refugees fled to Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro amid reports of extensive Serbian atrocities. An 11-week NATO bombing campaign extended to Belgrade and significantly damaged Serbia's infrastructure. The bombing halted after NATO and Yugoslavia signed an accord in June 1999 outlining Serbian troop withdrawal and the return of nearly a million ethnic Albanian refugees as well as 500,000 displaced within the province.