

Duvalier, Fran?ois

别名Papa Doc

海地总统(1957~1971)。1943年於海地大学医学院毕业後一直当医生,1946年埃斯蒂梅(D. Estime)总统任命他为卫生局总局长。1950年埃斯蒂梅被推翻後,他重执旧业,同时开始进行反对新总统马格卢瓦尔(P. E. Magloire)的活动,成为反对派的核心人物。1956年马格卢瓦尔辞职,杜华利当选为总统。为了巩固自己的地位,他削减了国家的军队,成立一个通称为「通顿马库特」(Tontons Macoutes)的秘密武装组织,以整肃政敌;并利用巫毒教来恐吓反对他的人,宣扬个人迷信,俨然成为海地民族半神化的象徵。1964年成为终身总统。尽管他在外交上陷於孤立,并被梵谛冈逐出教会,但他执政的时间比任何前任都长,他的恐怖统治镇压了政府反对派,使海地保持了前所未有的政治稳定。死後其十九岁的儿子尚-克洛德.杜华利(别名Baby Doc)继任为终身总统,由其母亲及妻子进行独裁。虽然尚-克洛德.杜华利制定了一些改革,但社会动乱日益加剧,迫使他在1981年逃往法国。


Duvalier, Fran?ois

President of Haiti (1957-71). He received his MD in 1934, and was appointed director general of the National Public Health Service in 1946 under Pres. Dumarsais Estimé and held other government positions until Estimé was overthrown by Paul Magloire, who became president. Duvalier led the opposition to Magloire, and became president soon after Magloire's resignation in 1956. He reduced the size of the military and organized the Tontons Macoutes (“Bogeymen”), a private force that terrorized and assassinated alleged foes of his regime. He played on the culture of vodun to intimidate the opposition as well. Promoting a cult of his person as the semidivine embodiment of the nation, he declared himself president for life in 1964. His regime's corruption and despotism isolated Haiti, the poorest country in the hemisphere, from the rest of the world. His 19-year-old son, Jean-Claude (born 1951), succeeded him on his death. A weak ruler, dominated by his mother and later his wife, “Baby Doc” instituted slight reforms, but increasing social unrest forced him to flee into exile in France in 1986.