

中世纪晚期欧洲文明中的文化运动,为古典学习和价值带来了更新後的兴趣。文艺复兴开始於13世纪晚期的义大利,15世纪中扩展到整个欧洲,於16世纪和17世纪初结束。受到古代希腊和罗马作品的启发,文艺复兴时期艺术家们在对看得见的世界作观察的基础上绘画和雕塑,并按照平衡、和谐以及透视等数学原理进行创作。新的美学信条表现在一些义大利艺术家的作品里。这些艺术家包括达文西、波提且利、拉斐尔提香米开朗基罗。佛罗伦斯成了文艺复兴的艺术中心。在文学世界中,像伊拉斯谟斯这样一批人文主义者反对宗教正统,提倡研究人的本性。义大利的佩脱拉克和薄伽丘、法国的拉伯雷以及英国的莎士比亚等一批作家写出的作品强调人性的复杂性。亦请参阅Renaissance architecture。


(French: “rebirth”) Late-medieval cultural movement in European civilization that brought renewed interest in classical learning and values. The Renaissance began in Italy during the late 13th century and spread throughout Europe in the 15th century, ending finally in the 16th and early 17th century. Inspired by the works of ancient Greece and Rome, Renaissance artists produced painting and sculpture based on the observation of the visible world and practiced according to mathematical principles of balance, harmony, and perspective. The new aesthetic tenets found expression in the works of such Italian artists as Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli, Raphael, Titian, and Michelangelo, and the city of Florence became the center of Renaissance art. In the world of letters, humanists such as Desiderius Erasmus rejected religious orthodoxy in favor of the study of human nature, and such writers as Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio in Italy, Francois Rabelais in France, and William Shakespeare in England produced works that emphasized the intricacies of human character. See also Renaissance architecture.
