

《Anti-Hero》,泰勒·斯威夫特Taylor Swift)专辑《Midnights》中的主打歌,Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift作词、作曲,发行第一周登上美国公告牌(Billboard)百强单曲榜首位,泰勒·斯威夫特在该榜单上的第九支冠军单曲,2022年被提名人民选择奖“年度MV”奖项。英国、澳洲、加拿大、新西兰、爱尔兰葡萄牙菲律宾比利时、荷兰等国家或地区的音乐排行榜冠军歌曲,歌词全文如下:

I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser

年岁渐长 历经世事 万丈迷津却仍遥亘千里

Midnights become my afternoons

作息昼夜颠倒 我的午夜就好似午后

When my depression works the graveyard shift

每当愁绪袭来 就恍若置身于墓冢幽境

All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room


I should not be left to my own devices


They come with prices and vices

不惜代价 惹火烧身

I end up in crisis


Tale as old as time


I wake up screaming from dreaming

梦魇袭来 惊叫而醒

One day I'll watch as you're leaving

有朝一日 我要亲眼见证你仓皇逃去(这里的“你”指的是MV里霉霉完美主义的一面)

Cause you got tired of my scheming


For the last time


It's me hi I'm the problem it's me

嗨 是我——执著完美的你 你的唯一心魔

At teatime everybody agrees

茶余饭后 众人不约而同(“众人”指的是MV里霉霉不同面的人格)

I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror

为何宁愿直视刺眼的完美骄阳 也不愿照镜自视 接受自己平凡的模样

It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero

与反英雄同仇敌忾 是否筋疲力竭

Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby

有时 我只觉他人都是身姿曼妙的迷人尤物

And I'm a monster on the hill

唯有我似深藏山岭的疏离巨怪 与世界格格不入

Too big to hang out slowly lurching toward your favorite city

向着心爱之城蹒跚奔赴 无奈落落寡合

Pierced through the heart but never killed

只能在百孔千疮中 挣扎着苟活

Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism

是否有人已经发觉 我无私皮囊下的隐性自恋

Like some kind of congressman


Tale as old as time


I wake up screaming from dreaming

梦魇袭来 惊叫而醒

One day I'll watch as you're leaving

有朝一日 我要亲眼见证你仓皇逃去

And life will lose all its meaning


For the last time


It's me hi I'm the problem it's me

嗨 是我——执著完美的你 你的唯一心魔

At teatime everybody agrees

茶余饭后 众人不约而同

I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror

为何宁愿直视刺眼的完美骄阳 也不愿照镜自视 接受自己平凡的模样

It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero

怀疑理想和真理的反英雄 注定以心力交瘁落场

I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money

我曾做过一个不安的梦 梦里未来的儿媳将我杀害

She thinks I left them in the will


The family gathers around and reads it and then someone screams out

葬礼上 众人齐聚 贪婪地听着遗嘱的宣读 忽然有人大惊失色:

"She's laughing up at us from hell"

“她的幽魂 正在地狱里对我们嗤之以鼻呢”

It's me hi I'm the problem it's me

嗨 是我——执著完美的你 你的唯一心魔

It's me hi I'm the problem it's me

嗨 是我——执著完美的你 你的唯一心魔

It's me hi everybody agrees

嗨 是我 众人不约而同

Everybody agrees


It's me hi I'm the problem it's me (I'm the problem it's me)

嗨 是我——执著完美的你 你的唯一心魔(你的唯一心魔)

At teatime everybody agrees

茶余饭后 众人不约而同

Everybody agrees


I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror

为何宁愿直视刺眼的完美骄阳 也不愿照镜自视 接受自己平凡的模样

It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero

想必自我和解 更是一条心力交瘁的漫漫征途
