

Sullivan, Louis (Henry)

美国建筑师,美国现代建筑之父。年轻时期的沙利文曾在巴黎艺术学院学习,但并非一个安分的学生。他在为芝加哥几家公司工作後在1879年加入了阿德勒(D. Adler, 1844~1900)的公司,在二十四岁时成为阿德勒的助手。他们在十四年的合作创作出了一百多个建筑设计,其中不少成为象徵性建筑。他们最重要的作品是会堂大厦(1889),是一座十七层的塔楼,正面的外部未经装饰,内部则金碧辉煌。他们最重要的摩天大楼则是十层高的钢筋构架的圣路易的温赖特大厦(1890~1891),在其两层高的底座上强调垂直的线条而非水平轮廓,顶部是带装饰的中楣和檐口。1895年沙利文同阿德勒的合作结束,他的创作开始下降。後期主要作品之一是芝加哥的施莱辛格与迈耶百货公司大厦(1899~1904),以其宽阔的窗户和自然的形态而闻名。他认为建筑设计代表其功能是理所当然的,而只要功能不变,形态就不应该发生变化,因此他的设计理念是「形式服从功能」。


Sullivan, Louis (Henry)

U.S. architect, the father of modern U.S. architecture. Born in Boston, the young Sullivan was accepted at the école des Beaux-Arts in Paris but was a restless student. After working for several Chicago firms, he joined the office of Dankmar Adler (1844-1900) in 1879, becoming Adler's partner at age 24. Their 14-year association produced more than 100 buildings, many of them landmarks. Their first important work was the Auditorium Building (1889), a load-bearing stone structure with a 17-story tower, unadorned on the arcaded exterior and dazzlingly rich on the interior. Their most important skyscraper is the 10-story steel-framed Wainwright Building, St. Louis (1890-91); above its two-story base, the vertical elements are stressed and horizontals recessed, and it is capped by a decorative frieze and cornice. In 1895 Sullivan's partnership with Adler dissolved, and his practice began a steady decline. One of his few major commissions was Chicago's Carson Pirie Scott store (1899-1904), noted for its broad windows and exuberant ornamentation. Sullivan's ornamentation was based not on precedent but on geometry and natural forms. He considered it obvious that building design should indicate a building's functions and that, where the function does not change, the form should not change; hence his dictum “form follows function.”.