

专门用来保存和解释人类与其环境的主要确实的根据的公共机构。博物馆的种类包括综合博物馆(包括各种学科)、自然历史博物馆、科学和技术博物馆、历史博物馆和艺术博物馆。罗马时代该词指专心於学术职业的地方(参阅Museum of Alexandria)。现代所理解的博物馆直到17~18世纪才发展起来。第一个有组织的接受私人收藏品、构造一个建筑物来保存它、使其能被公众接近的团体是牛津大学;随之而来的阿什莫尔艺术和考古学博物馆於1683年开放了。大英博物馆、罗浮宫博物馆、乌菲兹美术馆这些伟大的博物馆开始於18世纪。19世纪早期同意公众接近以前的私人收藏品已经很普通了。接下来的一百年里全世界广泛成立针对大众的博物馆。20世纪博物馆的角色已经扩展为教育机构、休闲活动场所和资讯中心。许多有着历史或科学重要性的场所已经发展为博物馆。虽然由於公共基金的限制,博物馆已经必须变得更加富有资金来源了,但人们常被富有想像力的展览吸引,参观人数极大的增加了。


Public institution dedicated to preserving and interpreting the primary tangible evidence of humans and their environment. Types of museums include general (multidisciplinary) museums, natural-history museums, science and technology museums, history museums, and art museums. In Roman times the word referred to a place devoted to scholarly occupation (see Museum of Alexandria). The public museum as it is known today did not develop until the 17th-18th century. The first organized body to receive a private collection, erect a building to house it, and make it publicly available was Oxford Univ.; the resulting Ashmolean Museum opened in 1683. The 18th century saw the opening of such great museums as the British Museum, Louvre, and Uffizi Gallery. By the early 19th century the granting of public access to formerly private collections had become common. What followed for the next 100 years was the worldwide founding of museums intended for the public. In the 20th century, museums have broadened their roles as educational facilities, sources of leisure activity, and information centers. Many sites of historical or scientific significance have been developed as museums. Museum attendance has increased greatly, often attracted by “blockbuster” exhibitions, though museums have had to become more financially resourceful due to constraints in public funding.
